where each …
leaf tip has a bristle like a needle[?], margin (edge)=♒︎ undulate[?]shingle oak and willow oak Quercus imbricaria and Quercus phellos
OR it does NOT (regardless of whether leaf is pointed or not), but with …
🍂︎ leaf shape = ♤ heart-shaped; with veins branching from baseeastern redbud Cercis canadensis lance-shaped, widest toward base; on a ⍋ thorny[?] small treeOsage orange Maclura pomifera
OR it does NOT (meaning the leaf is widest in the middle or toward the tip), but with …
🍂︎ leaves=very short (2½–6 cm) (1–2½ in), shiny, and … shrub[?], height=<1 m (<3 ft); leaf shape=oblong (2 × longer than wide); stems=hairless; wet feetalderleaf buckthorn Rhamnus alnifolia
tree[?]; leaf shape=oblong (2 × longer than wide);leaves=thin, after 1st month in grow season will form ♧ lobes=left+​right+​middlesassafras Sassafras albidum tree; leaf shape=oblong (2 × longer than wide); stems=⫴ hairy, darkglossy buckthorn Frangula alnus tree; leaf shape=⬮ oval (barely longer than wide); twigs=​hairless, ⍋ spine-tipped[?]🇪🇺 European or common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica
or 🍂︎ leaves=short (5–12 cm) (2–5 in), thick, shiny, shape=oblong, and … evergreen; uppersurface=​dark-green+lustrous, undersurface=◼︎⫴ silvery-white+hairysouthern live oak Quercus virginiana
🍃︎ deciduous; undersurface=◼︎ silvery-white (turn it over); margin (edge)=♒︎ undulate[?]autumn olive Elaeagnus umbellata 🍃︎ deciduous; uppersurface=​light green with ⫴ silvery hairs, undersurface=◼︎ silvery-white🇷🇺 Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia 🍃︎ deciduous; leaf colors=purple or bronze, margin=♒︎ undulate[?]◼︎ copper or purple European beech Fagus sylvatica purpurea 🍃︎ deciduous; leaf widest toward middle, netted veins, edge (margin)=♒︎ undulate[?]; bark=cube-shaped blocks, of different sizes on different areas of the barkAmerican persimmon Diospyros virginiana 🍃︎ deciduous; leaf widest toward tip, broad flat midrib◼︎ black tupelo or black gum Nyssa sylvatica
or 🍂︎ leaves=medium (12–50 cm) (5–20 in), and … petioles=very short[?], leaf margins=a bit ♒︎ undulate[?], no scar line[?] encircling twig at each leaf, buds woolly without ⨇ scalespawpaw Asimina triloba thick leathery evergreen, undersurface=​rusty ⫴ hairssouthern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora
thin 🍃︎ deciduous, base looks like ear-lobessaucer magnolia Magnolia × soulangeana thin 🍃︎ deciduous, shape=⬮ oval, widest in middle, tip has small pointcucumber magnolia Magnolia acuminata thin 🍃︎ deciduous, shape=⬮ oval, widest near tip, tip has definite pointsaucer magnolia Magnolia × soulangeana
thin 🍃︎ deciduous, sub-evergreen in southern range, leaf shape=oblongsweetbay magnolia Magnolia virginiana thin 🍃︎ deciduous, evergreenbog Labrador tea Rhododendron groenlandicum thin 🍃︎ deciduous, evergreenkalmia genus Kalmia
or 🍂︎ leaves=long (25–90 cm) (10–36 in), and … leaf base and tip=♦ angular☔︎ umbrella magnolia Magnolia tripetala leaf base=♤ heart-shaped, undersurface=​whitish+⫴ hairybigleaf magnolia Magnolia macrophylla
plant terminology
🏠︎ 🌳︎ broadleaves, ╟ alternate, 🍁︎🍂︎ simple