OR it does NOT (meaning the leaf is widest in the middle or toward the tip), but with …

🍂︎ leaves=very short (2½–6 cm) (1–2½ in), shiny, and …
shrub[?], height=<1 m (<3 ft);  leaf shape=oblong (2 × longer than wide);  stems=hairless;  wet feet
alderleaf buckthorn  Rhamnus alnifolia

tree[?];  leaf shape=oblong (2 × longer than wide);
leaves=thin, after 1st month in grow season will form lobes=left+​right+​middle
sassafras  Sassafras albidum

tree;  leaf shape=oblong (2 × longer than wide);  stems=⫴ hairy, dark
glossy buckthorn  Frangula alnus

tree;  leaf shape= oval (barely longer than wide);  twigs=​hairless, spine-tipped[?]
🇪🇺 European or common buckthorn  Rhamnus cathartica

🍂︎ leaves=medium (12–50 cm) (5–20 in), and …
petioles=very short[?], leaf margins=a bit ♒︎ undulate[?], no scar line[?] encircling twig at each leaf, buds woolly without ⨇ scales
pawpaw  Asimina triloba

thick leathery evergreen, undersurface=​rusty ⫴ hairs
southern magnolia  Magnolia grandiflora

thin 🍃︎ deciduous, base looks like ear-lobes
saucer magnolia  Magnolia × soulangeana

thin 🍃︎ deciduous, shape= oval, widest in middle, tip has small point
cucumber magnolia  Magnolia acuminata

thin 🍃︎ deciduous, shape= oval, widest near tip, tip has definite point
saucer magnolia  Magnolia × soulangeana

thin 🍃︎ deciduous, sub-evergreen in southern range, leaf shape=oblong
sweetbay magnolia  Magnolia virginiana

thin 🍃︎ deciduous, evergreen
bog Labrador tea  Rhododendron groenlandicum

thin 🍃︎ deciduous, evergreen
kalmia  genus Kalmia

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