with leaf margins (edge) that are …
♧ lobed non-lobed :
with … 3–7 main leaf veins radiating from 🍁︎ one point (🖐 palmate)🍁︎ maple genus Acer
with leaf margins (edge) that are … ▲▲ toothed ⋂⋂ rounded teeth = crenate(visible from arm's length) ___ smooth :
twigs = ⍋ spine-tipped[?]🇪🇺 European or common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica twigs not spine-tipped[?]viburnum genus Viburnum
leaf base=♤ heart-shaped or ⋃ round, tip=⋂ round, veins=🖐 palmate, fruit looks like mini- 🌭︎ sausageskatsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum
leaf shape=♤ heart-shaped; very large (15–30 cm) (6–12 in)northern or hardy catalpa Catalpa speciosa
leaf shape=skinny, base and tip=♦ angular;leaves do meet dogwood leaf test[?]Cornelian-cherry dogwood Cornus mas
leaf shape=⬮ oval, base and tip=♦ angular; veins prominent and curving to follow margin (edge);leaves do meet dogwood leaf test[?]flowering dogwood Cornus florida leaf shape=⬮ oval, base and tip=♦ angular; veins prominent and curving to follow margin (edge);leaves do not meet dogwood leaf test[?]white fringe tree Chionanthus virginicus
leaf shape=⬮ oval, base=⋃ rounded, tip=∧ angular; shrub with multiple stems; bark=shaggy; wood=brittlehoneysuckle genus Lonicera
plant terminology
🏠︎ 🌳︎ 🍁︎🍂︎🌿︎ broadleaves, ╫ opposite