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Also called the western catalpa, cigar tree and catawba-tree.
Part of bignonia family Bignoniaceae.
Native to 🇺🇸 USA Midwest. 🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48), 🗺 map (North America, Central America), 🗺 map (eastern 🇺🇸 USA). Invasive > Maryland
Uses by native peoples(Ethnobotany database)
Catalpa hosts caterpillars of 8 speciesof butterflies and moths, in some areas. 🌳︎🐝︎ Trees for Bees
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🏠︎ 🌳︎ 🍁︎🍂︎🌿︎ broadleaves: ❋ whorled 🌳︎ broadleaves, ╫ opposite, 🍁︎🍂︎ simple terrestrial woody plants that had 🍁︎🍂︎🌿︎ broadleaves 🍃︎ now gone sustainable landscaping and gardening with native plants
eastern redbud Cercis canadensis flowering dogwood Cornus florida Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica