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Part of mulberry genus Morus in fig/mulberry family Moraceae in 🍎︎ apple / 🍇︎ berry / buckthorn / elm / hemp / 🌹︎ rose order Rosales.
Despite its main common name, botanically, its fruit is not a berry, but a "multiple fruit". (🍎︎🍇︎🌰︎🌾︎ fruit terminology).
Native to 🇺🇸 USA center and east, and southermost 🇨🇦 Canada. 🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48), 🗺 map (North America, Central America), 🗺 today + with climate change (eastern 🇺🇸 USA).
Uses by native peoples(Ethnobotany database) Recipes.
Morus hosts caterpillars of 9 speciesof butterflies and moths, in some areas.
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🏠︎ 🍎︎🍇︎🌰︎🌾︎ fruit berries nuts cones seeds
mulberry genus Morus