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Also called wild mandrake.
Part of barberry family Berberidaceae in barberry/​buttercup/​poppy order Ranunculales.
Native to 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 Canada and USA, east of the 🗻︎ Rocky Mountains. 🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48) (color key).
Uses by native peoples(Ethnobotany database) Most parts of the plant cause diarrhea and severe digestive upset.
Only visible early in the growing season, in a forest, with one or ♧╤♧ two large horizontal lobed leaves, 🥾 boot-top- to 🦵 knee-high. If the plant has two leaves, it may then have a single white blossom (pointed down) or green (later yellow) fruit, hidden under the leaves. Plants always seems to grow in a group, apparently a clonal colony.
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🏠︎ ⚘ ❀ flowers 🌾︎⚶⚘ ☙ terrestrial herbaceous plants