Also called Quakies, American aspen, ◼︎ golden aspen, 🗻︎ mountain aspen, trembling aspen, popple, trembling poplar, ◼︎ white poplar (although do not confuse with sister-species ◼︎ white poplar  Populus alba and bigtooth aspen  Populus grandidentata, which are also sometimes called that), and more.

Part of aspen/​cottonwood/​poplar  genus Populus in willow  family Salicaceae.

Native to 🇨🇦 Canada, and northern or 🗻︎ mountainous 🇺🇸 USA, extending into Texas and 🇲🇽 México (probably in canyons).  🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48), 🗺 map (North America, Central America),  Adobe Acrobat Reader file 🗺 today + with climate change (eastern 🇺🇸 USA).

🏛🌳︎ State tree of Utah.

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)

Populus hosts caterpillars of 367 species
of butterflies and moths, in some areas.
  This plant is also known to be a host for (in areas where invasive) 🐝︎ spotted lanternfly (SLF)  Lycorma delicatula.

Often grows in clonal colonies [1] — look around for other stems!

A clonal colony of quaking aspen in Utah called Pando is thought to be at least old. [2] [3]

Aspen is well-adapted to 🔥︎ fire — after a fire, it produces new trunks from its roots or trunk base.

Aspen often grows with jack pine  Pinus banksiana — after a fire, both grow fast and eventually would get ⛱ shaded out by spruce  genus Picea and fir  genus Abies, until again invig­or­ated by the next cycle of fire.

Propagation protocol.  Adobe Acrobat Reader file


[1]  "Clonal colony."  Wikipedia.   Accessed .

[2]  "This Tree Started Growing During the Viking Age."  Live Science.  .   Accessed .

[3]  "World's Largest Organism Is Slowly Being Eaten, Scientist Says."  Science Alert.  .   [By deer.]  Accessed .

Learn more about quaking aspen Populus tremuloides

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