Also called spiked loosestrife and ◼︎ purple lythrum.

Part of loosestrife  genus Lythrum in family Lythraceae.

Native to Eurasia and northwest Africa.   🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48) (color key).   Invasive > learn+quiz Invasive > 🌐︎ global Invasive > 🌐︎ various Invasive > 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 Canada+USA Invasive > report it! Invasive > 🇺🇸 USA Invasive > Michigan restricted in Michigan, incl. seeds, fragments and derivatives.  Adobe Acrobat Reader file

🚸︎🚼︎ For kids!  This plant described in a 🇺🇸 USDA Forest Service coloring noxious weeds page.   Nice drawing.  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 37)

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)
  On No-Planting List by Seneca Nation of Indians SNI.  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 62)

graphic of black and brown-eyed Susan flowers, genus Rudbeckia, select to see larger
🇺🇸 In the USA, the USDA suggests those seeking a wet-tolerant plant with a long bloom season replace this plant with native alternatives ◼︎ ♒︎ rose or swamp milkweed  Asclepias incarnata, sweet pepperbush  Clethra alnifolia, ◼︎ eastern purple coneflower  Echinacea purpurea, grass-leaved blazing star  Liatris pilosa, gayfeather  Liatris spicata, ◼︎ green-headed coneflower  Rudbeckia laciniata or New York ironweed  Vernonia novaboracensis. [1]

And the Lehigh Gap Nature Center suggests those seeking purple flower spikes that attract 🐝︎ pollinators in ☀︎ summer replace this plant with native alternatives blazing-star  genus Liatris or Joe Pye weed  genus Eutrochium. [2]  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 4)

Native alternatives (Pennsylvania).  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 1)

Learn more about ◼︎ purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria

Treatment methods and timing (40–45°N lat.)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Management and Control (Wisconsin)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Best Control Practices BCP (Ontario)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file and its Technical Bulletin  Adobe Acrobat Reader file treatment details (Michigan)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (pages 35, 36, 79, 134, 203, 204 and 246) Control and Alternatives (Maryland)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 8)
Biology and Biological Control  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Biological Control in Eastern USA  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 157)

🔍︎ 🔍︎ images Discover Life Encyclopedia of Life Michigan Flora (Minnesota) Wildflower Garden Minnesota Wildflowers Missouri Botanical Garden Missouri Plants Flora of North America USDA PLANTS db USFS USGS Wikipedia