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Part of hickory/​pecan genus Carya in butternut/hickory/pecan/walnut family Juglandaceae in bayberry / beech / birch / oak / walnut order Fagales.
Native to eastern and southern 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 Canada and USA. 🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48) (color key), 🗺 map (North America, Central America), 🗺 today + with climate change (eastern 🇺🇸 USA).
Uses by native peoples(Ethnobotany database) The word hickory comes from Algonquian.
Carya hosts caterpillars of 231 speciesof butterflies and moths, in some areas. This plant is also known to be a host for (in areas where invasive) 🐝︎ spotted lanternfly (SLF) Lycorma delicatula.
Our local Wild Ones chapter says that if you are planning to plant a hickory, your hickory will be happier if you choose: in dry sandy soil, plant this tree pignut hickory Carya glabra, in uplands, plant shagbark hickory Carya ovata, in bottomlands (wet areas), plant 🐚︎ shellbark hickory Carya laciniosa.
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🏠︎ bark (on the trunk)
butternut/hickory/pecan/walnut branches family Juglandaceae hickory/pecan genus Carya shagbark hickory Carya ovata
🐝︎ spotted lanternfly (SLF) Lycorma delicatula