Also called Asian bittersweet, Asiatic bittersweet, 🇨🇳 Chinese bittersweet and round-leaved bittersweet.  🇨🇦 🇺🇸 In North America, being rebranded with the more-culturally-sensitive name invasive bittersweet.  An acquaintance calls it strangler vine.

Part of bittersweet or staff vine  family Celastraceae.

Native to eastern Asia.   🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48) (color key).   Invasive > learn+quiz Invasive > 🌐︎ global Invasive > 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 Canada+USA Invasive > report it! Invasive > 🇺🇸 USA Invasive > Michigan   Inv. trading card  Adobe Acrobat Reader file   Nice drawing.  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 38)

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)
  On No-Planting List by Seneca Nation of Indians SNI.  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (pages 58 and 60)

This species is the 🎯︎ primary target being controlled by ⚶🐐︎ prescribed browsing using 🐐︎ domestic goats  Capra aegagrus hircus (goatscaping), described in The Environment Report article New weapon to fight invasive plants in Michigan?  Goats, or its 🔊︎ audio , and the Great Lakes Now article Hero Goats: Ottawa Parks in Michigan hires goat herd to fight invasive species and its video  above or to left.

For full effect, select the video image, then icons YouTube (if present), ⏯︎ ⊠ Skip Ads (if present),  captions (if you wish),  full­screen, and ▶︎ Play.

🇺🇸 In the USA, the USDA suggests those seeking wreaths or 🍒︎ showy fruit replace this plant with native alternatives American bittersweet  Celastrus scandens or Virginia rose  Rosa virginiana. [1]

Native alternatives (Great Lakes green entries).  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 3)

More native alternatives (Missouri Botanical Garden).

Learn more about Oriental bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus

Treatment methods and timing (40–45°N lat.)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Management and Control (Wisconsin)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Best Control Practices BCP (Michigan)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Control methods and timing (Michigan)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Control (Missouri Botanical Garden) Control and Alternatives (Maryland).  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (pages 5 and 6)  And as above, ⚶🐐︎ prescribed browsing / goatscaping.

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