with leaflets usually numbering/​arranged …

leaflets=5 or more, radiating from 🍁︎ one point (🖐 palmate[?]);  fruit a large capsule
🌰︎ buckeye / 🐎︎ 🌰︎ horse chestnut  genus Aesculus

OR they are NOT (they have leaflets=3 or more, arranged 🌿︎ pinnate ), but with …
3 leaflets, side leaflets asymmetrically 2-lobed, end leaflet not- or 3-lobed, each lobe ending in a very-pointy (but soft) tip;  ☙ vine;  purple elongated flower clusters
kudzu  Pueraria montana

OR they are NOT, but with …
leaflets have different sizes and shapes
boxelder maple  Acer negundo

OR they are NOT, but with …
leaflets have no petiolule[?] (grow direct from leaf-stem);  leaflets=7–9–11;  leaf length=25–40 cm (10–16 in)
◼︎ black ash  Fraxinus nigra

OR they are NOT, but with …
leaflets are regularly toothed;  twigs=◼︎ square with ✦ corky wings
◼︎ blue ash  Fraxinus quadrangulata

OR they are NOT, but with …
twigs and leaf stalks are ⫴ hairy
◼︎ red ash  Fraxinus pennsylvanica

OR they are NOT, but with …
leaflets=5–7–9;  leaflet undersurface=​whitish;  leaf scar[?] shape=C
◼︎ white ash  Fraxinus americana

leaflet uppersurface and undersurface=​green;  leaf scar shape=D◗
◼︎◼︎ red ash variant green ash  Fraxinus pennsylvanica

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