with …
⍋ thorns = pointed twigs and leaf=🍂︎ non-lobed, and … tip=long ∧ tapering, undersurface=vein network intricateAmerican plum Prunus americana undersurface=woolly ⫴ hair🍎︎ common apple Malus pumila undersurface=___ smooth🍐︎ common pear Pyrus communis
⍋ thorns = pointed twigs and leaf=somewhat-♧-lobed, and … twigs, petioles, leaf undersurface=​woolly🍎︎ prairie crabapple Malus ioensis twigs, leaves=not woolly🍎︎ wild crabapple Malus coronaria
⍋ thorns = real (___ smooth, tapering, long), and … (actually, there are lots more, but these are the most common) … leaf widest at base, stem and leaf=⫴ hairydowny hawthorn Crataegus mollis leaf widest at base, stem and leaf=___ smooth, some leaves have ♧ 3 lobes with deep sinuses, midrib=orangeWashington hawthorn Crataegus phaenopyrum leaf widest at base, stem and leaf=___ smooth, not obviously lobedthicket hawthorn Crataegus intricata
leaf widest in middle, ___ smooth, leathery, ▲▲ singly-toothedcockspur hawthorn Crataegus crus-galli
leaf widest toward tip, ▲▴▲▴ doubly-tootheddotted hawthorn Crataegus punctata
plant terminology
🏠︎ 🌳︎ broadleaves, ╟ alternate, 🍁︎🍂︎ simple