with …
cones=elongated (longer than wide, looks like a conifer cone);temperate-to-subarctic forests;trunk=near-cylindrical;needles shed │ separately (see base of tree)larch genus Larix
cones=globular (⚽︎ spherical);grows in wet, southern USA;trunk=buttressed[?];needles shed ⋘ with twig (see base of tree),arranged ╟ alternatebald cypress Taxodium distichum cones=globular (almost spherical, looks like soft volleyball);grows in wet, native to China;trunk=buttressedneedles shed ⋘- with twig,arranged ╫ oppositedawn redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides
🏠︎ 🌲︎ conifer order Pinales