If your specimen is:and has stems/​leaves ar­ranged:and the leaves have/are:and the bark is/has:and the twigs:and the fruit (if present):then you have:
no more than waist-high (<1 m) (<3 ft) ╟ alternate ▲▲ teethno hairlookalike alderleaf buckthorn  Rhamnus alnifolia.
a tree ▲▲ teeth, visible from arm's length dark, with many light-colored lenticels

if mature, looks covered with burnt potato chips/​crisps
are small, black, taste like 🍒︎ cherry even if sourlookalike ◼︎🍒︎ black cherry  Prunus serotina.
___ smooth margins or
▴▴▴▴ very small teeth (use 🔎︎ hand-lens)
dark, with many light-colored lenticels no terminal thorn;
lookalike glossy buckthorn  Frangula alnus.
___ smooth margins,
taper at both ends, and
pass the dogwood leaf test
no conspicuous lenticels nor strong colors lookalike 2 species of dogwood  genus Cornus.
sub-opposite ▴▴▴ small teeth (can use 👀︎ naked eyes) dark, with many light-colored lenticels

inner bark=​orange (scrape outer bark with 🔪︎ knife)
often have a terminal thorn are small, black, taste disgusting after a few seconds — spit it out this plant, please continue below …
╫ opposite ___ smooth margins,
taper at both ends, and
pass the dogwood leaf test
no conspicuous lenticels nor strong colors lookalike all-but-2 species of dogwood  genus Cornus.

Verify with 🔍︎ images.

Learn more about 🇪🇺 European or common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica

Treatment methods and timing (40–45°N lat.)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Management and Control (Wisconsin)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Best Control Practices BCP (Michigan)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Best Control Practices BCP (Ontario)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file and its Technical Bulletin  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Fact sheet (Ontario) 🇫🇷 en français  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Control (Minnesota) "Fungus Among Us:  MTU Student Using Native Fungi to Weaken Invasive Trees."  Michigan Technical University.  March 20, 2024.
Native alternatives (Great Lakes green entries)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 4) Native alternatives (Missouri Botanical Garden).

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