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bark=thick or rough or bark=thin; and ___ smooth like a 🧤 glove, or peeling or raggedbirch genus Betula :
cones=stiff tough; buds=smooth stalked; ⊚ pith[?]=⛛ triangular🇪🇺 ◼︎ European black alder Alnus glutinosa bark=long ◼︎ square-ended strips peel upward; twigs=​slenderAmerican hophornbeam or 🛠 ironwood Ostrya virginiana
Part of bayberry / beech / birch / oak / walnut order Fagales.
🗺 Map (🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇱 Canada, USA and Greenland) (color key).
Uses by native peoples(Ethnobotany database)
Betulaceae hosts caterpillars of 403 speciesof butterflies and moths, in some areas.
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🏠︎ 🌳︎🍃︎ broadleaf branches, ╟ alternate, list of attributes
🇪🇺 ◼︎ European black alder Alnus glutinosa speckled alder / 🗻︎ mountain alder Alnus incana ◼︎ white alder Alnus rhombifolia ◼︎ red alder Alnus rubra ◼︎ green alder Alnus viridis
birch branches genus Betula : ◼︎ yellow birch Betula alleghaniensis cherry or sweet birch Betula lenta arctic dwarf birch Betula nana ♒︎ river birch Betula nigra 📄︎ paper birch or ◼︎ American white birch Betula papyrifera 🇪🇺 ◼︎ European white birch Betula pendula ◼︎ gray birch Betula populifolia
American hornbeam or 💪︎ musclewood Carpinus caroliniana American hazelnut Corylus americana American hophornbeam or 🛠 ironwood Ostrya virginiana