with each bud covered with ⨇ bud scales of number …
no scales, but covered by dense dark ⫴ hair pawpaw Asimina triloba or 1 scale, like a hat willow genus Salix or 2 scales or
4+ scales, bud length <4 × width or
5–6 scales, bud length >4 × width or 8 scales, bud length >4 × width, very long (2½ cm) (1 in), angled away from twig :
terminal buds larger than side buds, <13 mm (<½ in) terminal buds larger than side buds, 13–19 mm (½–¾ in), tapering gradually, twigs=stout
terminal buds not noticeably larger than side buds
buds=green or red; bud scars have 1 vascular bundle scar; twigs=​green, aromatic,[?] taste like root beersassafras Sassafras albidum buds=not green; bud scars have >1 vascular bundle scar (may be small); twigs=not green
buds=about 1 cm (½ in), near twigsdowny or common serviceberry Amelanchier arborea
bark=light gray, very smooth, often w/carved graffiti; in North American rich forestAmerican beech Fagus grandifolia bark=light gray🇪🇺 European beech Fagus sylvatica
🏠︎ 🌳︎🍃︎ broadleaf branches, ╟ alternate, list of attributes, no catkins, no thorns