Also called sweet crabapple and garland crab.

Part of 🍎︎ apple  genus Malus in 🌹︎ rose  family Rosaceae in 🍎︎ apple / 🍇︎ berry / buckthorn / elm / hemp / 🌹︎ rose  order Rosales.

Native to 🇨🇦 Canada Midwest, and 🇺🇸 USA Midwest, East and Southeast.  🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48), 🗺 map (North America, Central America).  Adobe Acrobat Reader file

The apple blossom is the 🏛 state flower of Arkansas and Michigan.  The legislation establishing this in Michigan cites the blossom of this native species as particularly beautiful and fragrant.

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)

Malus hosts caterpillars of 311 species
of butterflies and moths, in some areas.
  This plant is also known to be a host for (in areas where invasive) 🐝︎ spotted lanternfly (SLF)  Lycorma delicatula.

Planting info (SW Michigan).  Adobe Acrobat Reader file

Learn more about wild crabapple Malus coronaria

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