Part of willow  genus Salix in willow  family Salicaceae.

Native to 🇪🇺 Europe, and western and central Asia.  Invasive > 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 Canada+USA Invasive > report it! Invasive > 🇺🇸 USA Invasive > Michigan

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)
, and in 🇪🇺 Europe, using stems to make 🧺 baskets. 

This plant is known to be a host for (in areas where invasive) 🐝︎ spotted lanternfly (SLF)  Lycorma delicatula.

On No-Planting List by Seneca Nation of Indians SNI.  Adobe Acrobat Reader file (page 64)   ( Propagation protocol for sister-species (Great Lakes)  Adobe Acrobat Reader file Propagation protocol for sister-species (SW USA).  Adobe Acrobat Reader file )

The name derives from its leaf undersides being white in color.

Scores 🤧︎ most allergenic (10 out of 10) on the OPALS™ Ogren Plant Allergy Scale.

Learn more about ◼︎ white willow Salix alba

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