A group of about 26 related plants in moschatel  family Adoxaceae, including species ◼︎ American black elderberry / 🇨🇦 Canadian elderberry / common elderberry  Sambucus canadensis and ◼︎ red elderberry  Sambucus racemosa.

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Different species are native 🌍︎🌎︎🌏︎ worldwide, in temperate and subtropical areas of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.   🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48) (color key).

Despite its common name, botanically, its fruit is not a berry, but a "drupe".

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)

Most elderberry species produce edible 🍇︎ berries and juice (cooked, pulp and skin, no seeds nor stems).  😋︎ Yummy, even (this author recalls having eaten elderberry jam and wine — I did not then know to ask about which species).

But uncooked berries, and other plant parts (e.g., seeds, stems, and particularly roots and tender leaves), are ☠︎ toxic.   Make sure you learn the details!

🐝︎ Pollinators such as solitary cavity-nesting bees often make nests in this plant's old ⊚ pithy stems.

Learn more about elderberry genus Sambucus

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