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with ║∆⨇ needles, awls or overlapping scales that are … 🌲︎ there nowevergreen [?] or growing season
🍃︎ now gonedeciduous[?] and dormant season :
with …
║ needles that are … long (1–45 cm) (½–18 in) or
∆ leaves/scales (from a distance, may look like ║ needles) that are … medium (<5 cm) (<2; in), splay left + right + up + down + all angles, branches=​widely spaced and arranged=❋ whorled/spiralaraucaria genus Araucaria or
║∆⨇ needles, awls or overlapping scales that are … short (<1 cm) (<½ in) :
│ singlyfir hemlock spruce and others genera Abies Casuarina Picea Pseudotsuga Taxodium Tsuga
║ in bundles of 2–5pine genus Pinus
☄ in tufts of 6+, 🍃︎ deciduouslarch genus Larix
∆ soft awls in new growth, and ⨇ overlapping scales in old growth or
⨇ overlapping scales, some ⍋ sharp and prickly, from 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 North America or
⨇ overlapping scales, branch ends splay ___ flat, as if ironed or ⨇ overlapping scales, branch ends splay in any direction or
│ needles=⍋ stiff, sharp and short, ◼︎♦ 4-sided[?], and twig=rough where needles fall offspruce genus Picea :
bark=light shreddy; if present, fruit=juicy, smaller than little fingernailjuniper genus Juniperus
east of 🗻︎ Rocky Mountains◼︎ eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana west of 🗻︎ Rocky Mountains, looks wilted◼︎ Alaska yellow cedar Callitropsis nootkatensis
twig ends look jointedCalifornia incense cedar Calocedrus decurrens foliage=fragrant and glossy; cones=oblong, leathery◼︎ western redcedar Thuja plicata cones=spherical; can rub white off foliagePort Orford cedar Chamaecyparis lawsoniana in swamp or area of limestone◼︎ northern white cedar / eastern arborvitae Thuja occidentalis
overlapping narrow ⨇ scales◼︎ Atlantic white cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides needles= ∆ awl-shape, arranged=​spiralgiant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum
fruit=woody round (≥1 cm) (≥½ in)cypress genus Cupressus fruit=fleshy berry-like (<1 cm) (<½ in)juniper genus Juniperus
Pinales hosts caterpillars of >247 speciesof butterflies and moths, in some areas.
🌲︎ Conifer order Pinales have 'naked' seeds — thus called gymnosperm — by: not enclosing its seeds with any ovary structure, and packaging their seeds in cones (a different type of female reproductive structure, apparently). So do ginkgo Ginkgo biloba, cycad order Cycadales, and a few more.
🔍︎ 🔍︎ images Encyclopedia of Life Gymnosperm database USDA PLANTS db Ohio Plants Wikipedia
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🌳︎🌲︎🌵︎ ☙ terrestrial woody plants 🌳︎ 🍁︎🍂︎ 📅︎ broadleaves, a month or more after most other deciduous plants 🍃︎ dropped their leaves, dormant season
fir genus Abies : balsam fir Abies balsamea ◼︎ white fir Abies concolor Fraser fir Abies fraseri
araucaria genus Araucaria
◼︎ Alaska yellow cedar Callitropsis nootkatensis California incense cedar Calocedrus decurrens
🇦🇺 Australian pine or beach she-oak Casuarina equisetifolia
Port Orford cedar Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ◼︎ Atlantic white cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides
cypress / juniper / redwood family Cupressaceae : cypress genus Cupressus
ginkgo Ginkgo biloba
juniper genus Juniperus : common juniper Juniperus communis creeping juniper Juniperus horizontalis ◼︎ eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana
larch genus Larix : 🇪🇺 European larch Larix decidua tamarack / American larch Larix laricina subalpine larch Larix lyallii western larch Larix occidentalis
spruce genus Picea : 🇳🇴 Norway spruce Picea abies ◼︎ white spruce Picea glauca ◼︎ black spruce Picea mariana ◼︎ Colorado blue spruce Picea pungens ◼︎ red spruce Picea rubens Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis
🌲︎ pine genus Pinus : ◼︎ whitebark pine Pinus albicaulis jack pine Pinus banksiana lodgepole pine Pinus contorta shortleaf pine Pinus echinata limber pine or 🗻︎◼︎ Rocky Mountain white pine Pinus flexilis 🇪🇺 ◼︎ European black pine Pinus nigra longleaf pine Pinus palustris ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa ◼︎ red pine Pinus resinosa pitch pine Pinus rigida ◼︎ eastern white pine Pinus strobus Scots pine Pinus sylvestris loblolly pine Pinus taeda scrub pine Pinus virginiana
Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii
coast redwood/California redwood Sequoia sempervirens giant sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum
bald cypress Taxodium distichum 🇪🇺 European yew Taxus baccata
◼︎ northern white cedar / eastern arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ◼︎ western redcedar Thuja plicata
hemlock genus Tsuga : eastern hemlock Tsuga canadensis western hemlock Tsuga heterophylla