Also called 🇪🇺 🍐︎ European pear.
Part of
🌹︎ rose family Rosaceae
🍎︎ apple / 🍇︎ berry / buckthorn / elm / hemp / 🌹︎ rose order Rosales.
Native to central and eastern 🇪🇺 Europe, and into southwest Asia.
🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48)
(color key).
Invasive > 🇺🇸 USA
🏛[🍎︎🍒︎🍐︎🍇︎🍓︎] State fruit of Oregon.
Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)
Its 🪵 wood was used for carving, and to make wood engravings, textile printing blocks, and 🪓 tool handles. Now used to make furniture, doors, jewelry boxes, 🎸︎ acoustic guitars, and woodwind instruments such as recorders.
🍐︎ Pears are the ☀︎ summer host for 🍄︎⚕︎ fungal disease
trellis rust (TR) Gymnosporangium sabinae.
Which then transfers to nearby
juniper genus Juniperus
as the ❄ winter host. Then back again!
So in areas that may have this disease, do not plant these two hosts within 300 m (1000 ft) of each other! (In most towns, 3 blocks, maybe.)
🇺🇸 In the USA, a knowledgeable person suggested
those seeking an ornamental pear replacement replace this plant with
native alternative
linden trees
American basswood or American linden Tilia americana
◼︎ white basswood Tilia heterophylla.