Also called Malus domestica.

Part of 🍎︎ apple  genus Malus in 🌹︎ rose  family Rosaceae in 🍎︎ apple / 🍇︎ berry / buckthorn / elm / hemp / 🌹︎ rose  order Rosales.

Native to central Asia, it has been cultivated 🌍︎🌎︎🌏︎ worldwide.   🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48) (color key).

The apple blossom is the 🏛 state flower of Arkansas and Michigan.

The apple is the 🏛[🍎︎🍒︎🍐︎🍇︎🍓︎] state fruit of New York, Vermont and Washington.  Apple variety 'Golden Delicious' Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious' is the 🏛[🍎︎🍒︎🍐︎🍇︎🍓︎] state fruit of West Virginia.  Apple variety Honeycrisp Malus pumila 'MN#1711' Honeycrisp™ is the 🏛[🍎︎🍒︎🍐︎🍇︎🍓︎] state fruit of Minnesota.  Apple variety 'Rhode Island Greening' Malus domestica 'Rhode Island Greening' is the 🏛[🍎︎🍒︎🍐︎🍇︎🍓︎] state fruit of Rhode Island.

Muffins made from those (presumably New York) apples are the state muffins of New York.  🥧 Pies made from those (presumably Vermont) apples are, if served with a glass of cold milk, a slice of cheddar cheese, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream, the 🏛🥧 state pie of Vermont. 

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)
  Seeds slightly ☠︎ toxic[?] to 👥︎ humans.

This plant is known to be a host for (in areas where invasive) 🐝︎ spotted lanternfly (SLF)  Lycorma delicatula.

The flower's radial symmetry with 5 equal parts (five-fold rotational symmetry) is preserved in fruit — see it by cutting an apple transversely (equator-wise)!

Learn more about 🍎︎ common apple Malus pumila

🔍︎ 🔍︎ images Discover Life Michigan Flora Flora of North America USDA PLANTS db Wikipedia