with …

pale pink/violet blossom on multiple levels like a kebab, spots on the petals[?] between the more-noticeable sepals[?]
spotted/dotted 🐝︎ beebalm / 🐎︎ horsemint  Monarda punctata

single blossoms, with 12 petals (many tubular), magenta or purple, bright or pale
wild bergamot  Monarda fistulosa

very-showy large combined blossoms, ∼30 petals (many tubular), red or magenta;  stem shape=◼︎ square
◼︎ 🐝︎ scarlet beebalm  Monarda didyma

Learn more about 🐝︎ beebalm / bergamot / 🐎︎ horsemint genus Monarda

Also punctuated bee balm and bee-balm.  A group of a few dozen related plants in ◼︎ mint/sage  family Lamiaceae.

Native to 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 North America.   🗺 Map by county (🇺🇸 USA-48) (color key).

Uses by native peoples
(Ethnobotany database)

Used as host by caterpillars of 7 species
of butterflies and moths, in some areas.
Uses by butterflies,
planting info.
  We find our Monarda flowers very popular with 🐝︎ pollinators.  An important food source (especially in dense stands of this plant) for 🐝︎ bumblebee  genus Bombus.

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