that …
is very smooth (ignore location of former branches, and mature tree lowest trunk) or
has shallow ║ vertical fissures or ribs or has deep ║ vertical fissures or ribs or has interlacing ridges (like tire tread) or
shaggy — separates into features that hang away from the trunk :
many colors, each in own asymmetric[?] patchesAmerican sycamore Platanus occidentalis
two-color (gray with lots of lenticels[?]); huge ⬮ leaf scars[?] thickly C-shaped, filled by large budtree of heaven Ailanthus altissima
one-color (light gray), muscular ribsAmerican hornbeam or 💪︎ musclewood Carpinus caroliniana one-color (light gray), no muscular ribs (large trees may have buttress roots[?]), often w/carved graffitiAmerican beech Fagus grandifolia
one-color (red or cinnamon), may peel away in thin sheets revealing green cambiumPacific madrone Arbutus menziesii
🚧 under constructioneastern cottonwood Populus deltoides 🚧 under constructionbigtooth aspen Populus grandidentata 🚧 under construction♒︎ swamp cottonwood Populus heterophylla 🚧 under constructionquaking aspen Populus tremuloides
very thick ║ vertical ribs, looks covered with warts or puffy painthackberry Celtis occidentalis very thick ║ vertical ribs, and ═ horizontal ribs, too, looking like clay cubes, of different sizes in different areas of the barkAmerican persimmon Diospyros virginiana
🚧 under construction◼︎ black willow Salix nigra
🚧 under constructionpignut hickory Carya glabra 🚧 under constructionsassafras Sassafras albidum
bark= covered in burnt potato chips/crispsmature ◼︎🍒︎ black cherry Prunus serotina
bark= ═ horizontal strips (rolling around trunk), thin layers, white over orange📄︎ paper birch or ◼︎ American white birch Betula papyrifera
bark= ║ vertical strips
shrub with multiple stems; bark=shaggy; wood=brittlehoneysuckle genus Lonicera bark=yellow to red-brown, ragged, shaggy; twigs=​⫴ hairy♒︎ river birch Betula nigra
bark=thick rigid shaggy gray ║ vertical strips, barely attachedmature shagbark hickory Carya ovata bark=thick rigid shaggy gray ║ vertical strips;wild-type trees have branches and trunk have ___ ⍋ large smooth thorns[?]🍯︎ honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos
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